
I'm glad you found the Hearts-Music webpage.
My name is Thomas Bleyel.
I'm a singer/songwriter with more than 30 years of live-music-experience, based in Karlsruhe, in the south part of Germany.
As fan of the scottish band Runrig I love to sing their songs.
My "Hearts-Set" pays hommage to their music and work.
In 2023 Runrig fans all over the world have celebrated the band's 50th anniversary. I offer to come with my guitar and a small PA system to your place for a Runrig sing-along.
Feel free to make contact.

Live Dates


April 26th 2025




Frankfurt Area Runrig Fans Gathering

Videos from my YouTube channel:

Book Of Golden Stories

Your memory is everything ...

Since watching the Runrig dvd "Day of Days" the song  'Book of Golden Stories' is one of my favourites.
In 2003 it marked the final song of their shows. For me it's one of the best accoustic songs ever.
17 years later it was great fun to record my interpretation of the song and start another page in my book of golden stories with the music of Runrig.

Every River

Where it all began ...

'Every River' was one of the first Runrig songs I fell in love with ... the song was first released on the 'Searchlight' CD which was the first Runrig album I ever bought ... which was right after the first Runrig show I had the honour to witness on the Greenbelt Festival in August 1990.
I'm sorry for using the word 'first' three times, but for me 'being a Riggie' started out on this very weekend with this very album and this very song.
Ever since the song 'Every River' was in the repertoire or the backlock of my own gigs. 

Protect and Survive

Live and Studio ...

My first experience with a Takamine guitar in front of an audience was in April 1989. Since then I played a lot of gigs in many different locations like pubs, churches, rehab clinics or music festivals.
The shooting of this video was much fun. But singing songs together with others is even better. I'm a live musician from the bottom of my heart.

Going Home

A Sense Of Home ...

Somehow the music of Runrig took a special place in my heart and life since the first 'contact' in 1990. I listen and have listened to a lot of other music. But the songs of Calum and Rory Macdonald always were special to me and I love what they stand for. Usually feeling 'at home' means being with people you love. In a musical kind of way the songs of Runrig give me this feeling of 'being at home'. And I'm deeply grateful for that.
As for the song 'Going Home' ...I especially love the version Runrig performed at the "Party on the Moor" featuring Duncan Chisholm as guest musician. I hope Duncan doesn`t mind that I borrowed a few notes for my harmonica solo in the video. :-)

More videos of Runrig cover songs you find on my YouTube channel.

A word about my motivation ...

Runrig played their final show in August 2018.
Because their songs filled my life with so much joy I like to keep singing them in front of other people.
I love the moments when the audience join me in singing parts of the songs Calum and Rory Macdonald wrote in their 45 years with Runrig.
So I'm playing them for the joy music can bring to people.
I'm blessed with all the necessary things in life which is why I've no wishes to make money by singing,
but I greatly appreciate when I don't have to pay for my travelling to you and the bill for singing Runrig songs in public.



I will reply as soon as possible.


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I m p r e s s u m :

Thomas Bleyel
Sperberweg 24/1
75045 Walzbachtal-Joehlingen
Tel. 0049 (0)176 42640756 
E-Mail: info@hearts-music.de

Website-Layout+Grafik : Thomas Bleyel
Website-Administration : Michael Kauffmann

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